Holistic Healing Awards 2023

Holistic Healing Awards 2023

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Empowering Initiators of Wellness, Presented by HealMe Holistic Portal and ASVCT

Empowering Initiators of Wellness, Presented by HealMe Holistic Portal and ASVCT. The Holistic Healing Awards stand as a symbol of recognition and appreciation, brought to life through a powerful collaboration between HealMe Holistic Portal and the Aanchal Saraswati Vidyamandir Charitable Trust (ASVCT).

A Profound Mission: Honoring Holistic Wellness and Transformative Practices

At its core, these prestigious awards hold a profound mission to honor and celebrate individuals and organizations who have devoted themselves to holistic wellness and transformative practices.


Vision of Empowerment: Pioneering Holistic Approaches

At the core of these awards lies the vision to empower Initiators, Innovators, and Holistic Approachers who have pioneered novel approaches to health products, services, and alternate therapies.

Expert Evaluation: Recognizing the Most Deserving

The expert panel meticulously evaluates each nominee, weighing factors like innovation, impact, and effectiveness. This ensures that only the most deserving are bestowed with this prestigious honor.

Beyond Recognition: Inspiring Unity and Integration

Moreover, the essence of the Holistic Healing Awards goes beyond recognition; it serves as a beacon of unity and inspiration for the community of like-minded individuals.

Fostering Global Awareness: Transforming Lives through Holistic Healing

It promotes a greater understanding and integration of holistic healing practices worldwide. Through this remarkable endeavor, HealMe Holistic Portal and ASVCT have come together in a beautiful symphony, raising awareness and transforming lives.

ASVCT’s Dedication: Empowering Individuals for Well-being

ASVCT, true to its core values, dedicates itself to empowering individuals with education, employable skills, and access to good health. As the charity partner, it exemplifies the spirit of holistic well-being by extending its charitable mission to uplift communities and bring about positive social change.

HealMe’s Vital Role: Connecting Seekers with Authentic Healing

On the other hand, HealMe Holistic Portal plays a pivotal role in promoting diverse holistic healing services on its platform. By providing a wide array of wellness options, it acts as a bridge, connecting seekers with authentic and transformative healing experiences.

Collective Aspirations: Envisioning a World of Comprehensive Well-being

The Holistic Healing Awards embody the collective aspirations of HealMe Holistic Portal and ASVCT. They envision a world where comprehensive health and well-being are accessible to all. This celebration of excellence serves as an inspiration for others, encouraging a culture of well-being and wholeness.

A Testament to Transformation: Impact of Holistic Approaches

With the awards gaining momentum, the impact of holistic approaches to wellness is felt far and wide. The transformative work of the awardees serves as a testament to the profound difference that can be made through dedication to true well-being.

A Unified Mission: Striving for a Harmonious World

United by their passion for holistic healing, HealMe Holistic Portal and ASVCT continue their journey of empowerment, recognizing the trailblazers in this field. Together, they strive to create a healthier, happier, and harmonious world for all.

Why Participate in Holistic Awards

Explore Other Events: https://healme.in/events/

Charity Partner: https://asvct.org

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

1st Feb 2024 - 29th Feb 2024

Finale Date

20th Mar 2024

Registration End Date



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