Healing Course

Being Healthy!

This course has been developed by HealMe to assist people in better understanding healthier lifestyle habits. Participants in this session will learn how to control their current illnesses (if any).

Course Overview

Being healthy is a general well-being course which helps participants in the journey from disease to ease.

Ready to start your journey as a healthy you? 

Join this inspiring and motivating workshop Now! 

Learn how to live a healthy lifestyle and use trusted home remedies to cure or manage lifestyle problems.

There will be 36 hours of Residential workshops where holistic healers will coach you the self-healing.

Are you struggling to make positive changes in your lifestyle?

We help you to overcome lifestyle diseases due to poor lifestyle habits such as sedentary living, unhealthy eating, smoking, lack of sleep and alcohol consumption?

Our health and wellness coaches guide you how to leave sedentary living, poor lifestyle habits, how to cook a healthy food, in less then 5 minutes.

We help you by invoking your inherent strengths and abilities to change… Remember self awareness and a positive change in your lifestyle will move you towards disease to ease!


What you'll learn?

3 Classes on each subject.

Why you need this healing course?

This 24 hour health & wellness course is designed & taught by certified and experienced holistic healers. Lifestyle diseases are increasing  due to unhealthy habits and wrong combination of food ingredients… HealMe helps you to transform your lives and move towards disease to ease.

Personal Healing

Soluta postea epicuri cum ne, vide intellegebat est no, id duis suscipiantur eos.

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Soluta postea epicuri cum ne, vide intellegebat est no, id duis suscipiantur eos.

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Soluta postea epicuri cum ne, vide intellegebat est no, id duis suscipiantur eos.

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Soluta postea epicuri cum ne, vide intellegebat est no, id duis suscipiantur eos.

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