Name : Nisha J
Gender : Female
Marital Status : Married
Age : 37
Height : 5 CM
Weight - Past: 67 KG | Current: 70 KG
Occupation : Housewife
Date & Time of Birth : 03/04/1982 | 07:15 am
Place of Birth : Jalandar
Address : 346, chandigarh, UT, IN, 134116
Mobile : 985674569
EMail :
Prakriti: Balanced Vata: 2 | Pitta: 2 | Kapha: 2
Level of Your Mind - Body Impurities: 29 (Moderate)
Indigestion Score: 23 (Moderate)
Parasites: 20 (Moderate)
Question: | Response: |
Please describe your present health concerns and their duration? | piles |
How long have you had the chronic conditions about which you are consulting us? | 2 to 5 years |
How has your health problem progressed since it began? | Fluctuating |
Please explain the overall intensity of your symptoms? | Severe |
Is your sleep disturbed by the symptoms? | Not at all |
How often are you having pain or discomfort? | Less than once a week |
How long does the pain or discomfort last on the average? | About 30 minutes |
Are you currently under the care of a family physician or any other health professional? | Yes |
What is their opinion about your health? | Incurable |
Have you undergone any investigations for | Urine Test, Stools Test |
Past Prescription Medicines | ayurvedic |
Present Prescription Medicines | homeopathy |
Past Over the counter Medicines | piles |
Present Over the counter Medicines | homeopathy |
Winter | Constipation |
Summer | |
Spring | |
Do you use any of the following? | microwave-cooking |
How would you rate your usual energy level? | High |
Describe your bowel movements? | Other |
Please specify other bowel movements | pain and constipation |
Bowel nature: | Hard |
Bowel movement associated with: | Pain |
Do you have any of the following urinary problems? | |
Do you delay or suppress any of the following? | Bowel movements |
Do you practice any type of meditation? Please explain. | no |
Do you practice any Yoga techniques? Please explain. | yes |
What is your present state of mind and emotions? | Good |
Do you often experience any of the following? | High stress |
Do you get up early? | Yes |
At what time you wake up? | , 07, 00, am |
Do you go to bed early? | Yes |
At what time you sleep? | , 08, 00, pm |
Do you sleep in the daytime? | Yes |
How do you generally feel about waking up in the morning? | Little tired |
How is your sleep? | Interrupted |
To what direction does your head point during sleep? | East |
What is your sleeping position? | On back |
How regular is your daily routine (for example, do you go to bed early, eat your meals on time, exercise regularly etc?) | Very regular |
What is your body build? | Average |
Are you overweight? | Yes |
If so, by how much? (In KG) | 10 |
Do you travel a lot? | Yes |
How often do you exercise? Please specify. | no exercise |
How long do you exercise? | less |
Is your exercise: (choose one) | Moderate Light |
Do you smoke cigarettes or others? | No |
Which type of weather makes you feel most uncomfortable? | Hot |
Daily | Vegetables - Cooked |
Weekly | Fruits |
Monthly | |
Never | |
Do you eat between meals? | Yes |
Do you eat your meals on time? | No |
Which is your main meal? | Breakfast |
Rate your digestion | Fair |
How much water do you drink per day? | 3-4 glasses |
My eating habits include: | Talk or converse a lot while eating |
Describe your diet: | Vegan |
Non-vegetarian: | |
Have you experienced any changes in your sense of taste? (Choose one) | Bitter taste in mouth |
What taste(s) do you like or crave? | Sweet |
Are there any particular foods that create discomfort when you eat them? | Oily or fatty |
How are your family relationships? | Fair |
How is your social life? | Good |
How is your mental status? | Good |
How is your career? | I cannot stand it. |
How purposeful is your life? | Somewhat |
Rate your spiritual life: | Somewhat satisfying |
As a child, did you experience any abuse or trauma? | Emotional, Sexual, Physical |
Do you have any problems? | |
Which of the following describes your menstruation? (You may choose more than one) | Regular |
How many days does your menstrual period last? | Zero to four days |
How is your menstrual flow? | Heavy |
Associated symptoms (before or during menstruation): | Migraine Depression |
Do you have any discharge outside of your menstrual period? | No |
Do you experience pain during intercourse? | No |
Do you have any sexual difficulties? | No |
Are you pregnant now? | No |
Do you take contraceptive pills or other devices? | No |
Number of previous pregnancies (choose one) 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 or more | 2 |
Do you have any history of abortion, miscarriage, etc? | No |
How many children do you have? | 2 |
Children’s ages: | 5 |
Do you self-exam breasts regularly? | no |
Do you experience any problems in breasts? | Others |
Vata Personality | I usually perform activities very quickly enthusiastically and lively by nature., I have a thin physique I dont gain weight very easily. |
Pitta Personality | I feel uncomfortable or become easily fatigued in hot weather more than other people. , In my activities I tend to be extremely precise and orderly. |
Kapha Personality | My body frame is heavy broad evenly proportioned., I can easily skip a meal without any difficulty. |
Total Vata | Pitta | Kapha | My Mind-Body Personality is: VATA - {calc:vata_score} PITTA - {calc:pitta_score} KAPHA - {calc:kapha_score} |
I generally feel constipated. | Moderate |
I often get congestion in my head and sinuses | Moderate |
I often get infections. | Moderate |
I feel my immune system is weak | Moderate |
I feel non-clarity of mind | Mild |
I feel physically exhausted without any reason | Mild |
I feel mentally exhausted easily | Mild |
My stress levels are | Moderate |
I have no desire to eat food | Severe |
I tend to feel indigestion frequently | Moderate |
I tend to get lot of salivation in the mouth | Moderate |
I easily get angry and irritated without any real reason | Moderate |
I feel that my breathing pattern altered | Mild |
I frequently get cold throughout the year | Mild |
I tend to get allergies throughout the year | Moderate |
I feel heaviness in the body | Mild |
I feel something is not well in my mind-body | Moderate |
Body Impurities | Level of Your Mind - Body Impurities: Total: {calc:body_impurities} 1 to 17 = Mild | 17 to 34 = Moderate | 35 to 51 = Severe |
Abdominal pain | Mild |
Anorexia | Mild |
Body aches | Moderate |
Fainting | Mild |
Fever | Mild |
Flatulence | Mild |
Giddiness / dizziness | Moderate |
Gripping pain / colic | Mild |
Headache | Moderate |
Heaviness in abdomen | Mild |
Improper digestion of food | Moderate |
Malaise (Body aches) | Mild |
Slow digestion | Moderate |
Stiffness in back & waist | Mild |
Thirst | Moderate |
Vomiting | Mild |
Yawning | Mild |
Indigestion | Total Score: {calc:Indigestion} 1 to 13 = Mild 14 to 26 = Moderate 27 to 39 = Severe |
Feeling tired most the time (Chronic fatigue) | Moderate |
Digestive problems (gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea) | Mild |
Gastrointestinal symptoms and bulky stools with excess fat in feces | Mild |
Food sensitivities and environmental intolerance | Moderate |
Allergic-like reactions | Mild |
Joint and muscle pains and inflammation | Mild |
Anemia or iron deficiency | Moderate |
Hives, rashes, weeping eczema, cutaneous ulcers, swelling, sores, papular lesions, itchy dermatitis | Moderate |
Restlessness and anxiety | Mild |
Multiple awakenings during the night and teeth grinding | Moderate |
Excessive amounts of bacterial or viral infections | Mild |
Depression | Moderate |
Difficulty gaining or losing weight | Moderate |