Want a solution to beat this scorching heat? Check out benefits of “Gond Katira”.

Tragacanth gum, generally known as Gond Katira is a gum naturally attained from the excerpt( tire) of the colorful species of the condiment Astragalus. The goo is thick( jelly- suchlike), odourless( with no smell), and tasteless.

Gond Katira is substantially set up in the Middle East, Iraq, Iran, and indeed in western Asia. Iran produces an enormous volume of Gond Katira. They’re grown in thirsty conditions. Gond Katira is rich in calcium and magnesium and nearly contains around 3 protein and alkaloids. produces an enormous quantity of Gond Katira. They are grown in arid conditions. Gond Katira is rich in calcium and magnesium and almost contains around 3 % protein and alkaloids.